Camps set up in Tak for more than 5,000 refugees fleeing violence in Myanmar

The governor of the Tak province, bordering Myanmar, set four temporary camps supporting victims who escaped the escalating violence between the Myanmar military and the armed wing of the Karen National Union. The camps are all located in Maesot Districts of Tak spreading to four sub-districts including Mae Tao, Mae Ku, Mahawan, and Phop Phra.
Around 5,358 refugees who fled to Thailand will stay in a safe area until the situation gets better. Thailand provides humanitarian aid by preparing food, drinks, and clothes as well as medical care for the refugees. Reports say measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 are also being practiced.
Some of the refugees say the Burmese military’s recent string of attacks in Karen territory by the Thai border started on December 15. Some say bullets have been found on Thai soil. Thai soldiers made a smoke warning shot as a signal to the Myanmar troops to be careful near the border. Under the support of the Thailand-Myanmar Township Border Committee, authorities from Naresuan Force raised the issue to Myanmar.
Some Thai residents living along the border are concerned with the violence near their homes. Many have left their houses to live with relatives in other areas and are waiting for the situation to be stable.
SOURCES: Sanook | BBC Thai | Bangkokbiznews