Rayong man hides 500 baht from wife under police booth

Photo courtesy of Sanook

A seemingly furious man was found rummaging under a police checkpoint in Rayong, revealing a new dimension to hiding money from his wife.

When his secret was uncovered, he claimed he would need to find a new hiding place.

At 4pm yesterday, Deputy Superintendent of Rayong City Police, Woradet Phongthong, and Police Lieutenant Pachar Sangngoen, were informed of a man appearing to rummage under a police checkpoint booth in front of the old bus station in Tha Pradu, Rayong.

Fearing potential damage, they rushed to the scene. They found a man in a black t-shirt and blue trousers, sitting on the ground beside the checkpoint, using a stick to search for something under the booth, which was raised about 5 inches off the ground.

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Upon questioning, it was found that the 45 year old man was a construction worker.

Initially, the police officers thought the man might have been mentally unstable and quickly questioned him to prevent any damage. However, the man seemed uninterested and continued to search under the booth.

“After asking him repeatedly what he was doing, the man stopped rummaging, placed his stick down and replied that he was digging out a Red Bull bottle. He had hidden 500 baht inside and was now trying to retrieve it.”

At first, they did not believe the construction worker, thinking he was not in his right mind. However, they allowed him to continue his search, curious to see if what he had claimed was true. After about five minutes, the man dug out a bottle of Red Bull, showing them the five 100-baht notes inside. He then broke the bottle, took out the money, and showed them, saying he was not lying.

Finding a new hiding place

The construction worker revealed that he had earned 900 baht in the morning. Before going home, he divided 500 baht, put it in a Red Bull bottle, and sealed it, reported Sanook.

The man then came to what he thought was the safest hiding place – under the police booth, as police guarded it. The construction worker threw the money-filled bottle under the booth to hide it from his wife.

If he took all the money home, his wife would find and seize it, as she had done before. Therefore, he had to do this to have some money for personal use. However, now that the police knew about it, the construction worker would have to find a new, safe hiding place, just like this location.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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