Ratchaburi residents demand urgent fix for narrow overpass bridge

Residents of Pak Tho in Ratchaburi are grappling with congestion due to a newly constructed overpass bridge that is too narrow for safe and efficient use.
The bridge, located between Village 1 and Village 5, was intended as an alternative route after the closure of a main motorcycle passageway by the State Railway of Thailand (SRT). This route was crucial for daily activities such as going to the market, school, bank, hospital, and police station.
Locals, who use this road daily, demonstrated the issue by driving over the bridge. They found that vehicles cannot pass each other on the bridge due to its narrowness. Motorcycles attempting to navigate the sharp turn in the middle of the bridge often had to stop and manually lift their bikes to make the turn. This problem affects both the ascent and descent, causing significant delays and difficulties.
“This bridge is poorly designed. We tried using it before the official closure on June 10, and it’s impossible to make a U-turn in the middle of the bridge. It’s more suitable for pedestrians, and vehicles cannot pass each other. If one side is ascending, the other side has to wait at the top of the bridge.”
During rush hours in the morning and after school, the bridge becomes heavily congested. Vehicles have to wait for one another to cross, and drivers anxiously watch to see if their turn will be successful without needing to get out and help lift their vehicle. The frustration is palpable, with residents questioning the design and practicality of such a narrow bridge.
Calls for action
Jai, a local, expressed a common sentiment among the residents.
“We want the bridge to be widened so that vehicles can turn and pass each other conveniently. Clear separate lanes for ascent and descent are necessary. This spot is a major transit point for the entire district and neighbouring areas. If the main passage is closed and this bridge remains unmodified, the community will face significant hardship.”
A local vendor at the bridge shared similar concerns, noting that the closure of the main road would undoubtedly cause trouble for residents. The route sees thousands of vehicles daily, and the narrow bridge poses a high risk of accidents. The vendor highlighted that other railway overpasses are not as narrow, making this particular bridge exceptionally problematic.
Residents unanimously call for relevant authorities or the contractors responsible for the bridge’s construction to urgently reassess and amend the design. They emphasise the need for the bridge to be functional and safe, as closing the main road without suitable alternatives will undoubtedly disrupt daily life, reported KhaoSod.