Call scams: Ministry’s shocking move to suspend thousands of numbers

Photo courtesy of The Nation

In a bold move to tackle the rising tide of call scams, the Digital Economy and Society (DES) Ministry unveiled a groundbreaking plan: any telephone number making over 100 calls per day will face immediate suspension.

DES Minister Prasert Chantararuangthong dropped this bombshell yesterday, December 12, revealing that an astonishing 80,000 individuals had reported falling victim to call scams within the past month alone, as per complaints filed with the Anti-Online Scam Operation Centre (AOC 1441).

Taking centre stage in this anti-scam crusade, Prasert declared war on phone numbers exhibiting an unusually high daily call volume. The results were swift and decisive. From December 9 to 11, a staggering 12,500 phone numbers surpassed the ominous 100-call threshold, leading to their abrupt suspension.

Yet, this is not the only battleground in the war against scams. The DES minister brought another alarming issue to the forefront — the illegal registration of over 12,500 phone numbers. In a plea to those with unlawfully registered numbers, Prasert urged action.

“Voluntarily report yourselves to AOC 1441 to avoid the looming suspension.”

The minister shed light on a growing concern: scammers exploiting foreigners’ IDs to register for SIM cards, thereby perpetrating phone scams. Recent crackdowns in Chumphon province yielded a significant discovery — over 10,000 SIM cards seized from these illicit operations, reported The Nation.

Undeterred, Prasert vowed to escalate efforts by forging alliances with key players in the field. Collaborating with the office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission and cellular service providers, the minister aims to tighten the noose around the scammer’s neck, bringing relief to the beleaguered public.

In related news, the Thai National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) is poised to probe 40,000 numbers, suspected to be instrumental in SMS and phone scams, to apprehend the main culprits. Read more about this story HERE.

In other news, a viral video posted by a TikTok user, showing a real-life confrontation between a police officer and a telephone scammer, racked up more than 7.7 million views. The video captures an unusual incident where the policeman is contacted by a scammer who pretends to be a fellow officer from Mae Charim Police Station. Read more about this story HERE.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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