Officers from Thailand’s cybercrime police allegedly involved in kidnap for ransom plot

A woman claims officers from the cybercrime investigations department were involved in a kidnap for ransom plot after she had won 2 million baht in gambling. The woman is seeking help from a celebrity lawyer and claims that she, her husband, and her 11 year old child were kidnapped by a group of 15 people, including police officers, and were held until they paid 400,000 baht.
After the well-known Thai lawyer, Sittha Beerbangkird, drew attention to the case, the spokesperson from the Royal Thai Police investigated the incident and made a statement to Thai media confirming that at least two of the 15 people are members of the cybercrime department. He added that the officers were recently recruited to the department.
The spokesperson says a special committee will be set up to investigate the incident and determine if the officers were involved. If they were, the officers will be expelled from government service and face criminal charges.
The Commissioner of the Royal Thai Police, Suwat Jaengyotsook, advised the cyber police and related department to quickly investigate. If the officers were involved with a kidnap for ransom plot, they will face criminal charges, he says.
SOURCE: ษิทรา เบี้ยบังเกิด เลขาธิการมูลนิธิทีมงานทนายประชาชนฯ | Thairath