Mixed-breed dog attack leaves five year old girl with severe injuries

A mixed-breed dog, the offspring of a Pit Bull bitch and a local Thai dog, attacked a five year old girl, leaving her with severe head injuries. The incident occurred outside a residence in Ban Phue District, Udon Thani Province, late yesterday afternoon.
The girl is currently under close medical supervision at Ban Phue Hospital due to the deep wounds extending to her skull and near her left eye, with concerns about potential infections.
According to Somlith, the 48 year old grandmother of the injured girl, the attack happened in a common area in front of their house. She explained that the neighbourhood is predominantly made up of relatives. After picking her granddaughter up from school, the children usually play together.
Yesterday, because the children were unwell and didn’t attend school, they were playing since the afternoon. In the evening, another relative, who owns the dog, brought their two year old son to play with the children at the same house, said Somlith.
“Suddenly, the dog jumped and bit my granddaughter’s head. The relative quickly put down her child and rushed to protect my granddaughter from further bites. Everyone scrambled to chase the dog away. The sight of the wound was shocking, with blood soaking through her clothes. We immediately called for emergency services.
“This dog belongs to our relative and frequently visits our house. It has never shown any aggressive behaviour before. We believe it attacked because it was protective of the two year old being carried by the grandmother.”
The dog’s owner, who wishes to remain unnamed, stated that the dog, a two year old male named Tang, has never bitten anyone before. The owner bought Tang when he was just one month old. Even when strangers delivered goods to their house, Tang would jump around playfully without showing any signs of aggression, reported KhaoSod.
Dog attack
“On the day of the incident, I was at home. My mother took my two year old son to play with his cousins at our relative’s house, where the attack happened. I believe Tang bit the girl because he was protective of my son.
“My mother was devastated and cried almost the entire night. We are deeply saddened by the injury to our niece. This morning, I visited her and assured the family that we would cover all medical expenses.
“After consulting with relatives, we decided that giving Tang away could lead to more problems. Therefore, we will keep him chained to prevent any future incidents.”