Krabi smoothie shop owner accused of investment fraud

Photo courtesy of KhaoSod

Approximately 10 victims have reported a local smoothie shop owner in Krabi for investment fraud involving over 3 million baht.

The suspect, using her acquaintance with a well-known lawyer as leverage, challenged the victims to take legal action against her. Police are now gathering evidence to pursue the suspect legally.

A group of around 10 individuals filed complaints yesterday at the Mueang Krabi Police Station against a 38 year old woman, the owner of a smoothie shop. They accused her of inviting them to join an investment scheme that has been running for almost a year, with contributions ranging from tens of thousands to millions of baht.

When it was time for payouts, the investors found themselves without their due funds, leading to reported losses exceeding 3 million baht. The authorities have taken the complaints and are interviewing the victims and collecting evidence to track down the perpetrator.

One of the victims, referred to as B, recounted that in June last year, Pim, a fellow villager known to her, reached out via Facebook with an investment opportunity. The scheme involved monthly contributions of 10,000 baht, with payouts scheduled for the 25th of each month.

Trusting Pim, who had no prior record of default, B decided to participate, initially investing around 200,000 baht and later adding smaller amounts totalling over 300,000 baht. The group comprised 12 members, most of whom were acquaintances, who coordinated through a LINE chat group.

At the start of this year, B’s turn for the payout came, but no money was forthcoming. When B and others confronted Pim, the scheme’s organiser, she evaded their inquiries, blaming delays on other members’ failures to make payments or citing other excuses.

Pim reportedly became hostile when pressed further at her home and boasted of her connections to a prominent lawyer, suggesting they sue her if they wished, reported KhaoSod.

After discussing with other members who had faced similar issues, B and the rest of the defrauded group decided to file a collective police report. The officer in charge, Chatchai, stated that the case appeared to be one of public fraud. The investigation is ongoing, and the police plan to summon Pim for questioning. Should she fail to respond, they will issue a summons and potentially seek an arrest warrant if necessary.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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