Thailand intensifies crackdown on new drug pod k

The Government of Thailand is intensifying efforts to suppress a new narcotic known as pod k, a blend of vape juice and ketamine that has gained popularity among club-goers, according to deputy government spokesperson Anukool Pruksanusak yesterday, January 19.
Ketamine, a type 2 narcotic stimulant, carries severe penalties for possession, including up to seven years of imprisonment and fines reaching 700,000 baht (US$20,353). Distribution of the drug can result in a prison term of up to 15 years and a fine of up to 1.5 million baht (US$43,616).
Despite its legal use as a short-acting anaesthetic due to its sedative and pain-relieving properties, ketamine is frequently misused for its hallucinogenic effects through smoking and inhalation.
Prolonged ketamine use may lead to addiction and psychosis. High doses can cause adverse effects such as vomiting, seizures, oxygen deprivation in the brain and muscles, and, in some instances, can be fatal, said Anukool.
“Drug suppression remains a core policy of the government, which includes combating ketamine abuse. The government, along with other entities, is dedicated to continuing the fight against all forms of narcotics.”
The public is urged to report any incidents of ketamine misuse to the police, contact the Food and Drug Administration’s 1556 Hotline or 02-590-7343, or reach out via the FDA Thai Facebook page.
In related news, the Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a warning about the dangers of Pot K, a vape liquid mixed with ketamine, which can be fatal. Selling this substance can lead to a prison sentence of up to 15 years and a fine of 1.5 million baht. This illegal product has become prevalent among nightlife enthusiasts.
Dr Witit Srisuriyachayakul, Deputy Secretary General of the FDA, revealed on January 15 that police in Makkasan had arrested individuals involved in selling Pot K, which contains ketamine, a Schedule 2 controlled substance.
This substance is widely circulated through online platforms and distributed to nightclubs in Bangkok.