British PM meets divers who helped in the Tham Luang rescue

PHOTO: Independent Print Limited

On Monday the Australian Governor General awarded the country’s highest accolades and medals to Aussie cave rescuers. Yesterday the British PM met with the UK contingent who were involved in the mammoth international rescue.

The Evening Standard reports that PM Theresa May met the British divers who helped save the boys and their 25 year old football coach from the flooded cave in Thailand, hailing them all “heroes”.

John Volanthen, from Bristol, was one of the first divers to reach the stranded group in the Luang Nang Non Cave and was among those who stood for a photograph on Downing Street with the PM and Thai ambassador Pisanu Suvanajata.

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Mrs May thanked the divers, adding: “They did extremely well. We can be very proud of them. They did a fantastic job. They’re great heroes.

The original story and video from Evening Standard HERE.

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