2 children rescued after brutal abuse by their drug-addicted mother

Thai social media influencer Guntouch “Gun” Pongpaibunwet rescued two children, aged five and three, from their abusive drug-addicted mother in the central province of Kanchanaburi.
Gun, and officers from the Nongprue Police Station, visited a house in a sugar cane field in the Nong Prue district of Kanchanaburi province on November 12, after locals in the area sought help for the two children.
Locals informed Gun that the children’s mother was addicted to drugs and frequently assaulted them. They tried to intervene on several occasions but were unsuccessful, as the mother reportedly became violent and attempted to harm them.
Upon arrival at the house, Gun met the five year old boy, named Top, who had a swollen right leg and was unable to walk. Top’s younger sister, three year old Fahsang, had a bloody bandage wrapped around her head, covering a deep wound that exposed her skull. The wound was inflamed and infected with pus.
The mother, 29 year old Noodaeng, denied abusing her children, claiming that their injuries were the result of accidents while they were playing. She also denied using drugs, despite local reports to the contrary. However, she later tested positive for drug use.
Gun expressed his anger towards the mother on seeing the injuries to the two children.
“Don’t even think about being a mother, you should be a human being first.”
Trade sex for drugs
Gun explained that Top had been crawling on the ground for months because his mother did not seek any treatment for his leg. Fahsang had a severe head wound and had reportedly not bathed in over three months. The mother was said to use drugs in front of her children and provided them with no care.
Gun further disclosed that the mother often solicited sympathy from locals, leading many people to frequently donate clothes and money to the family. However, she only kept the money to buy drugs, discarding the donated items. The house also had no electricity or running water.
According to reports, the mother traded sex for drugs, with these encounters taking place in front of her young children. Gun said that his three-hour journey from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi was worthwhile to remove the children from such a horrific situation.
He added that the children were at risk of lasting disabilities and death. Top might have lost his ability to walk and Fahsang might have died from the wound if he and the police did not intervene.
The two children are now in the care of government officials, and the mother is set to enter rehabilitation. The children will remain under official care until the mother can provide proper care for them.