Bang Sue Grand Station to use only Pfizer and Moderna vaccine

The Vaccination Centre at Bang Sue Grand Station in Bangkok has announced that they will switch their operations to entirely use the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccine. The move will go into effect on November 26 and will replace the previously used vaccines in the main Bangkok vaccination centre, mainly Sinovac and AstraZeneca previously.
The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will now be used for all people, regardless of whether they are receiving their first, second, or third injection. Whether a person received the Pfizer vaccine or the Moderna vaccine will be determined by what brand is currently available at the time of a person’s vaccination appointment or walk-in date.
The vaccination centre did specify that only the Pfizer vaccine will be used for teenagers between the ages of 12 and 18 who come for inoculation. They also announced that anyone who specifically wishes to not receive a Moderna or Pfizer mRNA vaccine can request the AstraZeneca or Sinovac vaccines. The request must be made in advance, before a scheduled appointment day.
Finally, there is a new way to register for vaccination as 4 major mobile carriers in Thailand have options to book a vaccine appointment for Pfizer or Moderna doses. Users of True and DTAC – currently in merger negotiations – as well as Thailand’s current largest carrier AIS and NT can register online. True also has a phone code to register while DTAC users can register through their app as well. To register:
- AIS –
- TRUE – dial *707# or visit
- DTAC – through DTAC application or visit
- NT –
SOURCE: National News Bureau of Thailand