Local residents and vendors demand action on Pattaya Beach erosion

PHOTOS: The Pattaya News

Recent heavy rains over the past week in Pattaya have caused significant deep erosion and gaping holes on Pattaya Beach that have now been sitting in plain view for nearly a week. The situation is an unsightly embarrassment and a potential hazard for tourists, according to local residents and beach vendors.

The Pattaya News reports that, earlier this week, storm waters were flowing onto Pattaya beach into the Gulf after torrential rains, notably at the beach area near Central Festival Pattaya, and have been washed away.

The erosion is at least a metre deep in places, exposing some of the underpinning sand-bag foundations that were placed there doing the re-instatement works last year. Local vendors are complaining that tourists were avoiding the beach.

Beach vendors say this erosion has happened nearly a week ago and is very dangerous especially at night time. They are asking for city officials to speed up repair work and fix the problem.

Earlier this week residents were complaining about an unknown white sediment floating around some of the areas where the erosion had occurred. Last year some 400 million baht was spent re-building some of Pattaya’s beaches which end up damaged and washed out to sea any time there are heavy rains.

SOURCE: The Pattaya News

Local residents and vendors demand action on Pattaya Beach erosion | News by Thaiger Local residents and vendors demand action on Pattaya Beach erosion | News by Thaiger

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