Double trouble: Dozy guy dozes off on bus not once, but twice

A peculiar incident involving a young man who woke up trapped on a bus at 1am not once, but twice, has shocked people online. The youth, who had fallen asleep due to the potent effects of his sleeping pills, claims bus staff failed to wake him, leaving him to grope about in the deserted vehicle.
In a video posted on the social media platform TikTok, the baffled young man can be seen trapped inside the stationary bus parked in a depot. Unsuccessful in locating the bus’s exit button, he resorted to sounding the bus horn, but all in vain. He posted a narrated video of the entire bus incident
“This is the second time this has occurred. I’ll try to document my experience of being trapped in Bus 147. I had been deep asleep in the back seat and nobody woke me.”
To his frustration, the horn failed to attract any attention. Eventually, he found an emergency exit button near the door which helped him escape the bus, bringing the nightmare incident to a close.
Once out, he took the time in the video to demonstrate how to use the exterior emergency door button to shut the door, hoping others might find the information useful.
Numerous viewers of the viral video online offered comments regarding the pressing bus incident. Some suggested that he ought to sit closer to the driver or let a passenger know about his issue, considering he regularly takes sleeping pills. He had confirmed in the video that it had happened once before and that he takes a surprising amount of pills.
“Yesterday, I had about 20 sleeping pills, their effect lasts overnight.”
Meanwhile, a 27 year old employee at the bus line and responsible for vehicle maintenance, expressed his disbelief over the incident. According to his understanding, each bus undergoes several checks before it is parked for the night in the storage.
The conductor always ensures to turn on the interior lights and a couple of technician teams cross-check the bus thoroughly before leaving the vehicle for charging overnight.
He believes the incident could not have really happened on their bus, and suspects that the video was possibly a publicity stunt aimed at garnering views online, reported KhaoSod.
“There’s always a last round of checking before we plug the buses for charging. This is the daily protocol for all of the buses. The last shift technicians finish work around 2am to 3am daily. I believe this is a stunt to gain views. Our system is highly secure. We have emergency exits and all our windows, doors can be manually opened anytime.”