High performance coaching to be at your best!

by Hayden Rhodes @ Healthy Richuals

Philosophy plays an important role in determining how you live and the results that you get in life. Did you ever consider that life could be improved by changing your philosophy?


Think about it. How you think, dictates how you will act. And your daily actions reflect your living philosophy.

Imagine fine tuning your philosophy with a daily practice that would improve energy, mood and confidence. Would you do it? What if I also told you, “It’s easy and makes life enjoyable”?

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Read on.

Challenge your own living philosophy and raise your performance in life by acting on the following three questions each day.

High performance coaching to be at your best! | News by Thaiger


Today, what will I do that I love?

Doing something you love on a daily basis seems simple, yet many people neglect this important aspect of life. If you love gardening, go do it. Love cooking? Cook! Enjoy walking on sunset – follow the sun. What can you do today that, ‘lights you up’? Remember, loving yourself is a good thing. It’s OK. It’s actually very enjoyable. What will you do today that you love?

Today, what will I do that I fear?

Fear keeps us living in our comfort zones. If we want to be more successful in any endeavor, facing challenges is part of the process. How can you expand your comfort zones? Are you afraid of making cold calls – start with one. Scared of going mountain biking? Head off to a small mountain. Fear of asking for a raise? Do it anyway. Mark Twain said, “I’ve I have had many worries in my life, most of which never happened.” Fear is a form of worry that mostly exists between your ears. What will you do today that you fear?

What can I make more fun?

Again, this seems obvious, yet our modern world is so consumed with doing ‘stuff’ we often forget that laughter is our best medicine. Can you bring more joy into your family life? Could you improve the ‘fun’ side of work life? Would you have more fun answering emails on the balcony in a bikini? What can you do today to have more fun?

If you acted upon these three simple questions each day you may just upgrade your living philosophy for the better.

High performance coaching to be at your best! | News by Thaiger

Hayden Rhodes, Club Manager RPM Health Club, Phuket, Master Performance Coach & International Wellness Speaker

Follow Hayden Rhodes on Instagram and Facebook at HealthyRichuals.

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