Foreign students accuse Canadian government of exploiting them for cheap labour

Studying in Canada is one thing, but doing labour for low pay is another. Some foreign students in Canada, in fact, are accusing the Canadian government of using them for cheap labour and getting rid of them afterwards. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government allowed about 50,000 foreign exchange students into the country last year as a way to “help more graduates fill pressing needs” of reopened businesses. As the Covid pandemic had largely shuttered many businesses, the reopening saw many job openings.

But some foreign students say the reasoning behind gaining a permit extension of 18 months wasn’t as it appeared to be. As the government also sold such a scheme to allow such students to gain experience for them to stay permanently, many say they were discarded after their time was up. Such immigration hopefuls say they were left without a work status or options to stay in the country.


According to Bangkok Post, Daniel D’Souza, an accountant and former student of Seneca College near Toronto, was quoted as saying he regretted choosing Canada as a country to emigrate to.

“I’m basically sitting at home and living off of my savings and not knowing how long I’d have to do that. I regret choosing Canada as a country to emigrate to, study and live in. Canada should appreciate foreign students more, not just use them as a form of cheap labour.”

But Immigration Minister Sean Fraser’s spokesperson says the government does recognise foreign students’ value to the country. He says the government “recognises the tremendous social, cultural and economic benefits” that foreign students bring.

The 2021 programme saw many graduates that originally are from India and the Philippines. Those students say that many had to leave their jobs when their work permits expired without a guarantee that they would gain permanent residency. They went further to say that they felt used by the Canadian government. Anshdeep Bindra, a former Ernst & Young consultant echoed such feelings.

“When they needed us, they exploited us. But when we need their help or support, nobody shows up.”


But Trudeau’s government became bogged down with permanent residency applications, forcing it to temporarily pause to catch up. Despite the country’s plans to accept more immigrants in the coming years, foreign students say even the positive data isn’t calming their fears over choosing the country to emigrate.

EducationUniversitiesWorld News

Ann Carter

Ann Carter is an award-winning journalist from the United States with over 12 years experience in print and broadcast news. Her work has been featured in America, China and Thailand as she has worked internationally at major news stations as a writer and producer. Carter graduated from the Walter Williams Missouri School of Journalism in the USA.

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