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Ex-Memphis officer shared photo of injured Tyre Nichols, trial reveals

Ex-officer allegedly sent photo of injured Tyre Nichols during incident

Demetrius Haley, a former Memphis police officer, allegedly sent his ex-girlfriend a photo of Tyre Nichols, who was severely injured, on the night of the fatal incident, according to trial testimony on Wednesday.

Brittany Leake, also a Memphis officer and Haley’s former girlfriend, testified that she was on the phone with Haley when officers stopped Nichols. She recounted hearing a “commotion” and verbal orders demanding compliance.


After the call ended, Haley shared a photo in a group chat with Leake and her godsister. The jury was shown the image, which depicted Nichols with closed eyes, apparent blood near his mouth, and hands behind his back.

Leake expressed shock upon seeing the photo, stating, “Oh my God, he definitely needs to go to the Med,” referring to Memphis’ trauma hospital.

Haley, along with Tadarrius Bean and Justin Smith, is on trial for charges including excessive force, failure to intervene, and obstruction of justice. All three have pleaded not guilty. The Memphis Police Department terminated Haley, Bean, Smith, Emmitt Martin III, and Desmond Mills Jr. following Nichols’ death. Video footage of the beating was publicly released, leading to federal indictments. Martin and Mills have accepted plea deals.


Leake testified that she deleted the photo after viewing it, noting that sending such images violates police policy. She mentioned that Haley had previously sent her photos of drugs and a person injured in a car accident.

Earlier that day, Martin testified for the third time. Defense attorneys highlighted inconsistencies between his statements to investigators and his court testimony. Martin admitted to lying to Memphis Police Department internal investigators to justify his actions but claimed to have been truthful with FBI investigators post-plea deal. He described feeling pressure on his duty belt during the traffic stop but could not confirm if Nichols was trying to grab his gun. Martin recalled shouting, “let go of my gun.”

Justin Smith’s attorney, Martin Zummach, asked Martin why Nichols did not surrender. Martin responded, “He’s out of it. Disoriented.” Martin testified that the situation escalated rapidly when Haley pulled his gun and forcefully removed Nichols from his car without explaining the stop.

Nichols, who was Black, was pepper-sprayed and stunned before fleeing. The five officers, also Black, later beat him about a block from his home as he called for his mother. Video footage showed officers standing around while Nichols struggled with his injuries. Nichols died on January 10, 2023, three days after the incident.

An autopsy revealed Nichols, a father to a seven-year-old boy, died from head blows, showing brain injuries, cuts, and bruises.

Jesse Guy, a paramedic for the Memphis Fire Department, testified that he arrived after two emergency medical technicians, Robert Long and JaMichael Sandridge. Guy said he was not informed of Nichols’ prior medical issues. Nichols was unresponsive, with no pulse or breathing. Guy performed CPR and mechanical ventilation, and Nichols had a pulse by the time they reached the hospital.


Guy stated that Long and Sandridge did not share whether they checked Nichols’ pulse or provided oxygen. When questioned if that information would have been helpful, Guy affirmed it would.

Long and Sandridge were dismissed for policy violations but have not faced criminal charges. The five officers face second-degree murder charges in state court, pleading not guilty. Mills and Martin are expected to change their pleas, with a trial date yet to be scheduled.

What Other Media Are Saying
  • Associated Press reports a former Memphis police officer sent his ex-girlfriend a photo of Tyre Nichols, highlighting the officer’s alleged role in the fatal beating and witness tampering charges. (Read more)
  • CNN reports that a former Memphis police officer testified he beat a ‘helpless’ Tyre Nichols, shedding light on the brutal and unjust circumstances surrounding the fatal beating. (Read more)
Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions asked about this news

Who sent the photo of Tyre Nichols to his ex-girlfriend?

Demetrius Haley sent the photo.

What did Brittany Leake testify about during the trial?

She was on the phone with Haley when Nichols was pulled over and later received a photo of Nichols.

Why were the Memphis police officers fired?

They were fired after Nichols’ death, which involved excessive force and was caught on police video.

What did the autopsy report reveal about Tyre Nichols’ death?

Nichols died from blows to the head, suffering brain injuries, cuts, and bruises.

What happened to the paramedics involved in the case?

Robert Long and JaMichael Sandridge were fired for violating fire department policies.

Jamie Cartwright

"Jamie is a keen traveler, writer, and (English) teacher. A few years after finishing school in the East Mids, UK, he went traveling around South America and Asia. Several teaching and writing jobs, he found himself at The Thaiger where he mostly covers international news and events. "

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