Excuse Buster: Six common mistakes keeping you from a killer body

PHUKET: For those who are trying to get back into the fitness game, or who are just stepping up to the plate for the first time, it is essential that good habits are formed right from the get go. Too many people start a fitness regime and fail to see it through.

There are many reasons that people fall off the wagon, but I’ll tell you six all-too-common mistakes that can quickly end a new work out routine and keep you from the ultimate killer body.


Neglecting to learn form

Like I’ve said before, lifting heavy weights is extremely beneficial. However, it can also increase the risk of injury if not done properly. Learning the correct form is not only vital for lifting efficiently, but also to help prevent things from going wrong. So, start off with lighter weights until you have the form nailed, then start increasing the load. Also, look at yourself in the mirror while you exercise, not just to see how shapely your backside is getting, but to check your form. Make sure you keep your moves in check at all times.

Being a program bouncer

This is a huge mistake many people make when they get bored with a training program. Yes, trying a different program each week might keep your workouts more interesting, but persistence is key. Stick with the same program until the end, and then move on to something else.

Lack of patience

Remember, you’re not going to reverse all those years of abuse you have inflicted on your body in just two weeks. Let’s face it, if having a killer body was easy, wouldn’t everyone have one? Here’s the bottom line: take your time and be persistent. Start thinking of a permanent lifestyle change, not just a two-week hit-and-run goal to get in shape for a friend’s wedding or a high school reunion. Play the long game and think about you and your health this time next year, not this time next month.


Not tracking progress

I am pretty meticulous when it comes to tracking my clients’ progress – it’s a great motivator. The mirror and scales can only tell you so much, but what can tell you more is noticing a healthier body composition, gains in muscle and losses in fat. I don’t see many people tracking their progress in the gym, such as measuring how much you lifted this week versus last week. It’s hugely beneficial to do this, and there is the added bonus of looking back after a month of hard work and realizing how much you’ve accomplished. This is a great way to keep you moving forward on those days when you are not feeling super motivated.

Getting stuck on the booty

Do not only concentrate on problem areas. Like I’ve said before, “spot reduction” doesn’t work. Doing squats will not burn fat away from your bum, same as ab exercises will not remove stomach fat. Make sure that within one week, you have exercised your entire body equally. If you don’t, you could end up with serious postural problems, muscle imbalances and more.


One of my favorite quotes is “You don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great”. I have no idea who said this, but it’s perfect. Don’t hesitate, stop making excuses and don’t be intimidated. Go to the gym and get on with it. If you’re really unsure about what to do, then get down to Nai Harn and give me a call – let’s start making things happen.

Krix Luther is a fully qualified personal trainer with nearly a decade of experience specializing in strength and conditioning. For more information about Krix and his services, visit vitruvianmethod.com

— Krix Luther

Thai Life
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