Surging violence at Al Aqsa mosque, Israel and Palestine

A new round of violence has broken out between Palestinians and the Israeli forces. Witnesses say this morning, young Palestinians threw rocks at Israeli police stationed at a gate outside the Al Aqsa mosque compound. The mosque is a sensitive spot between Israelis and Palestinians due to religious tensions. After the Palestinians threw rocks, the police, dressed in full riot gear, entered the compound, firing bullets and stun grenades.
The two Palestinian witnesses who told the Associated Press that Palestinians threw stones asked to remain anonymous for their safety. Some older Palestinians reportedly tried to tell the youth to stop throwing rocks, but the youth ignored them, continuing to throw rocks and fireworks at the police. A tree caught fire, and while the police said it was ignited by the Palestinians’ fireworks, Palestinians blamed the police for setting it on fire.
The Palestinian Red Crescent medical service said at least 31 Palestinians were wounded, including 14 who were taken to hospitals. Police say a policewoman was hit in the face by a rock and taken for medical treatment.
This news comes amidst the worst flare-up of terror attacks Israel has seen in years, with 14 Israelis killed in the past few weeks by Palestinian attackers. Following the attacks, some Israeli settlers in the West Bank have violently attacked Palestinians, throwing stones and burning cars. Some settlers have yelled “revenge” and “death to Arabs”.
SOURCE: Associated Press | Al Jazeera | Sky News | Times of Israel