Myanmar’s Loikaw on verge of capture: Ethnic coalition intensifies attack

The city of Loikaw in Myanmar is under heavy attack, as a coalition of three ethnic armed organisations intensifies its bid to seize the last military base in the city. Despite attempts to resist, the trapped Myanmar military forces are predicted to succumb within days, as they remain heavily surrounded.
The Karenni People’s Defence Force (KPDF), a coalition of three organisations, deployed numerous troops into Loikaw, the capital of Kayah State in Myanmar, aiming to seize the final standing military base. The Myanmar soldiers stationed there have been continually resisting this offensive, despite being outnumbered.
This resistance force comprises the 54th Light Infantry Battalion, which is supported by heavy artillery from the large gun battalions, including the 105mm howitzer, in addition to the 36th large gun battalion, which includes the 360th and 362nd artillery companies, reported KhaoSod.
Support troops from the Myanmar military that were sent to aid the besieged forces in Loikaw, however, have been unsuccessful in breaking through the KPDF’s line. The battle in Loikaw has become protracted urban warfare, with the KPDF attempting to contain Myanmar forces within their posts, relentlessly attacking with drones.
The drones have also been used to attack Myanmar’s artillery bases on the outskirts of Loikaw, indicating that in a few days, the coalition forces may be able to seize the last Myanmar military base in Loikaw.
However, as the Myanmar government’s ground troops failed to enter Loikaw, they resorted to air strikes, causing civilians in Loikaw to continuously flee the city. So far, no fewer than 60,000 residents have been displaced.
In related news, Thailand has implored all parties involved to contribute towards the restoration of peace in the ongoing Myanmar conflict via immediate discussions. The plea was made during the annual congregation of 97 high-ranking international diplomats at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. To read more click HERE