Mind over men: British neuroscience student-turned-OnlyFans model reveals willing slave army

Picture courtesy of Mercedes' Instagram page.

A staggering revelation was made by a former neuroscience student turned full-time OnlyFans model. The British model asserted that numerous men have willingly registered to serve as her slaves, signing up through online mechanisms.

The model, Mercedes Valentine, revealed the individuals selflessly indulging her by fulfilling her wishlist, which she proudly features on her OnlyFans profile.

The 22 year old influencer’s wishlist encompasses exclusive, luxurious, and high-end products she desires. Her massive fanbase, which boasts a whopping 200,000 people, is ever ready to dutifully gratify her every whim and present her with the galore of exclusive items, displaying a level of obsession that’s seen scarce parallels.

In an intriguing revelation, Valentine shared how certain enthusiasts have gone to extreme lengths to showcase their profound infatuation for her. There is an instance of a man who divorced his wife, and tattooed her name and image on his arm and left ring finger. Furthermore, he secured a life insurance policy, naming Valentine as the beneficiary in case of his untimely demise.

Mind over men: British neuroscience student-turned-OnlyFans model reveals willing slave army | News by Thaiger
Picture courtesy of Mercedes’ Instagram page.

She said…

“I have a lot of slaves. I have a slave who signed over his soul to me, apparently, it’s a thing

“It was new to me. There’s a slave registry on the Internet.

“I didn’t understand why people would want to be my slave because I don’t come across as very dominant

“I have this one slave’s life insurance, it has been signed over to me. He divorced his wife for me, and had tattoos of me, even one on his ring finger.

“I didn’t ask him to do any of this. They want to dedicate themselves to me so much and it’s nice.”

Emphasis was made by Valentine that she never explicitly demands these extreme actions. It is the unswerving devotion and deep-seated love these individuals harbour, which motivate them to voluntarily go to these extraordinary lengths for her.

Comments from fans on her Instagram page include:

“Omg, you’re stunning.”

“Looking gorgeous in your nice bikini – and love the view.”

“Sexy and beautiful.”

“Goddess levels.”

As Roxy Ferry lead singer Bryan Ferry once sang, “Slave to Love.”

World News

Samantha Rose

Samantha was a successful freelance journalist who worked with international news organisations before joining Thaiger. With a Bachelor's degree in Journalism from London, her global perspective on news and current affairs is influenced by her days in the UK, Singapore, and across Thailand. She now covers general stories related to Thailand.

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