A ray of hope for Aussie mum in a coma after life-threatening tumble in Thailand (video)

The husband of an Aussie mum of three left in a coma after an accidental fall in Thailand announced that there has been an improvement to his wife’s condition but added she is still in a critical condition.
Kylee Enwright has been in a coma for more than three weeks following a fall that caused her to hit her head in Khao Lak, southern Thailand. The 48 year old mother from Singleton, New South Wales, lost consciousness and suffered head and ear bleeding due to the incident.
The Aussie mum had stepped off a wooden deck and unexpectedly plunged about a metre to the ground below. This seemingly innocuous misstep led to a severe head injury, necessitating emergency brain surgery to remove a portion of her skull.
After the accident, she was swiftly transported to a nearby medical centre, where her wounds were stitched, and she was intubated for assistance with breathing.
Following this, Enwright was admitted to a larger hospital in Phuket, where she underwent brain surgery for six hours. Subsequently, she was placed in an induced coma for medical purposes.
Unfortunately, the Aussie couple’s travel insurance declined to cover the medical expenses, citing the involvement of alcohol in the accident. Consequently, they were burdened with a bill exceeding US$200,000.
The Aussie mum remained in an induced coma in Thailand, with her devastated husband and three children standing vigil at her side. The enormous medical bill saw the family create a GoFundMe page so they could repatriate her to Australia.
Fortunately, the GoFundMe campaign raised over US$217,000 allowing Enwright to be placed on a Medevac flight where she arrived in Australia shortly before midnight on Saturday. She is currently receiving care at John Hunter Hospital in Newcastle. Speaking to the 7News channel over the weekend, her husband said…
“She has no skull on one side of her head, so a small movement in the wrong direction could bring us back to square one. You can see the pain and frustration in her eyes. She wants your help, but for her own safety, I cannot provide it.”
Paul took to the online fundraiser and Facebook yesterday to provide an update, announcing the latest progress to the generous donors who contributed to repatriating his wife.
“Yesterday, her sedation was reduced, and the breathing tube was removed. She has become less agitated and has started to show improvement. In fact, she even attempted to use her toes to untie the knots of her foot restraints, demonstrating problem-solving skills and cognitive abilities. This is a fantastic sign.
“We still have a long road ahead, taking one day at a time. We do not know the extent of her recovery in the next 12 months, but thanks to all of you, this process has been significantly expedited compared to what it would have been if I were handling it alone.”