Boat Lagoon’s Children’s Day an event for all

PHUKET: To catch a wave and surf in Phuket, you’ll need some patience, with the windy ‘Surf Season’ a good couple of months ahead. But for the island’s businesses, the waves are always there waiting to be spotted and ridden to success.

“It’s all about noticing a trend”, says Kanittha Prasopsirikul from By Kanittha, the company responsible for Boat Lagoon Marina’s marketing and communications.

The proof that the marina’s owners noticed the trend correctly was delivered by more than 700 children who showed up with their parents at the Lagoon’s Boat Arcade shopping complex to celebrate Thailand’s National Children’s Day.

To keep them fed and entertained, 30 stands offered a variety of activities and treats, as well as the Arcade’s 15 permanent shops.

“Many members of the Boat Lagoon Community joined hands to make this event happen,” says Ms Prasopsirikul. “We have many shops and business owners who brought their produce, organized activates for the children – all to make this day special. Boat Lagoon is a big complex with over 200 different shops, and for an occasion like Children’s Day, everybody comes together to make it a memorable event.”

The Boat Lagoon’s commitment to creating a safe, friendly and fun place for families doesn’t end with the Children’s Day event, however. In fact, child entertainment and education lies at the heart of the Boat Arcade concept with a sizeable indoor playground at its very center and a variety of fun and educational activates for both parents and children on offer.

The fact that this particular children-themed event attracted such crowds is no surprise to Ms Prasopsirikul, who says she predicted a growing importance of this target group a long time back.

“We forecast the rise of children-centered business years ago. It was all about catching an early trend. Me personally, I’ve seen my friends grow more mature. Ten years ago we used to party together; now everybody has children and different needs,” she explains.

However, the reasons for betting on family-friendly pastimes are more varied. One important aspect is the Boat Lagoon’s location on the island’s east coast, away from the major tourist centers, which means the venue has to be more focused on catering to the local community, such as student’s from the international schools in the vicinity.

While geographically the marina is in the east, it sets itself in the middle when it comes to the social landscape.

“The Boat Lagoon is pitched right at the center, between a Thai focused and a foreigner focused destination. We provide an environment where a mixed, Thai-foreigner community can enjoy themselves,” explains Ms Prasopsirikul.

In other words, everyone is welcome, and, it seems, everyone comes.

— Maciek Klimowicz

Phuket News
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