Motorbike taxi driver saves teenager from suicide in eastern Thailand

A motorbike taxi driver stopped an 18 year old woman from jumping off an overpass in Sriracha, Chon Buri province, on Tuesday. “Ked” recently discovered she was pregnant and said that her boyfriend forced her to take abortion medication before dumping her on the side of the road while she was heavily bleeding.
The motorbike taxi driver, 60 year old Noppadol Patsamorn, was driving past when he saw Ked wandering through the traffic. Noppadol said Ked appeared unaware of the cars around her, so he stopped the traffic.
Noppadol saw Ked take off her shoes and climb onto the railing of the Au Udom overpass. He grabbed her wrist, pulled her down, consoled her, and called an ambulance.
Ked was heavily bleeding from her vagina after taking oral abortion medication. She was transported to Chabang Hospital in an ambulance.
Ked, originally from Chaiyaphum province in northeast Thailand, explained that her boyfriend asked her to move to Chon Buri. Ked said she fell pregnant and when she told her boyfriend, he forced her to take abortion medication.
Ked said that after taking the medication, she started to bleed heavily. Instead of taking her to the hospital, Ked’s boyfriend took her money and dumped her on the side of the road outside Kasetkart University. She was distraught, alone, and in pain.
The teenager told a rescue worker that she is an orphan and has no immediate family. With no one to help her, Ked said she felt like the only option left was to commit suicide.
Noppadol went with Ked in the ambulance to the hospital, where she is under observation and receiving treatment.
Police contacted her boyfriend’s family, who refused to take care of her. Authorities managed to contact Ked’s cousin, who she will stay with for the time being.
SOURCE: Pattaya Mail