JetSki crashes into shop in Kamala, Phuket

PHOTOS: Newshawk Phuket

Not often we get to write this headline… “JetSki crashes into shop in Kamala”.


The jetski was being towed by a Saleng (motorcycle and side-car) through the streets of Kamala this afternoon when, for reasons we don’t yet (probably brake failure), the whole shebang went AWOL and ended up running into the front window of some tourist shops.

The jetskis are a common sight going through the backroads of the various west-coast shopping areas at the start and end of each day, on their way to the beach to hire to tourists, usually in a convoy with the jetski staff riding shotgun on top.

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This time it was a lone JetSki, being towed by a saleng, that somehow veered off the street and into the roadside Kamala shops.

JetSki crashes into shop in Kamala, Phuket | News by Thaiger

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