Phuket Opinion: A reality check born of resolutions

Susanna Huza, 41, is CEO of Ignite Inspiration Co Ltd, a Communications Consultancy and Training Company. She has a multinational background and earned undergraduate and advanced degrees in law from the University of Hull in the UK. She is also a Master Practitioner and Trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis, and a Master Trainer of TimeLine Therapy.

Here she offers suggestions on how to avoid resolution pitfalls and make your New Year goals come true.


PHUKET: Are you thinking about making a fresh start in 2014? But are hesitating to make New Year resolutions because they seem bound to fail? This year, do something different and get what you want.

What is it about the beginning of a new year that causes us to reflect on our lives and our accomplishments? I believe that each of us has an inborn drive to grow and create an environment that matches our innermost desires. We want to make life as fulfilling as we can.

Whatever our motivation, be it personal, financial, fitness-based or romantic, we annually draw a new line in the sand and claim a starting point for our next chapter. Unfortunately most of us end up setting ourselves up for a post resolution let-down! Why is that? And how can we change this pattern?

There are three main obstacles that stop us from getting what we want.

The first we can call “Away-From”. Often, our resolutions focus more on what we want to get away from – what we want to stop doing or feeling – than on what we want to become. The past is full of old physical habits, thinking patterns, experiences and memories that are loaded with emotion that can actually hinder rather than further our ambitions and dreams.


The second is overload, also known as “Biting off more than you can chew”. This happens when our goal is too distant from our current reality. All of us know someone who has a cross-trainer or a treadmill that has been relegated to a bedroom as a clothes rack.

The third is procrastination. The simple truth is that we sometimes are too idle to take action. We are willing to close our eyes and dream of an alternate reality, but our efforts end there.

How to sidestep these obstacles? The key is focus, and realizing that you get what you focus on. Try these four steps to achieve what you want in the new year.

First, imagine the future. Thinking of your 2014 resolution, ask yourself: What will it be like when I reach my goal? Imagine a specific time in the future when you have what you desire, and describe it. Use present tense and positive words only! Really paint the picture in detail and bathe in the feeling of freedom that will come to you. Hear yourself tell the story of your success to a group of friends. Make a mental and emotional snapshot of that vision so you may visit it again and again.

Second, write out your resolution. Then write down the details of your resolution. Use present tense and positive words only! The more specific you are, the better.

Third, consider milestones. Work backwards from your snapshot, filling in measurable and achievable milestones to your success. What has to happen, sequentially, for you go get what you want? Set time frames. Consider what resources you will need. What and who do you need to bring into your life in order to help you reach the goal? Some people find it easier to make to-do lists and tick the items off as they go along.

Finally, keep in mind that success breeds success. Take small, continuous steps toward your target. Make your immediate milestones small and easily achievable in order to build momentum and confidence so that you can reach your ultimate goal.

Remember the old adage: “If you don’t change direction, you end up where you are going.” Stay focused on what you want.

And please remember! No one is an island. Though Phuket offers a great variety of ways we can escape and hide from ourselves, it also offers many traditional and holistic methods for self-improvement.

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