A 16 year old girl has now come forward in Mukdahan school rape case

Three of the teachers, suspected in a gang rape case against a 14 year old girl at a school in Mukdahan province in Thailand’s northeast are now likely to face charges for the sexual assault of a 16 year old student as well. The teenager has been placed into the custody of the ministry of Social Development and Human Security.

Both victims were reportedly raped on a number of occasions over a one-year period starting in March 2019.

The public school has suspended 5 teachers who stand accused of repeated sexual assaults against the 14 year old girl. The 3 teachers facing additional charges are Wipoj Saensuk, Anupap Banjong and Yutthana Phuthanonnok.

Chana Summat, director from the Obec-Student Protection and Rescue Centre, says that the teachers had not yet been found guilty of rape but they had been dismissed according to procedures.

The 16 year old victim, from the same school, is acting as a witness in the first gang rape case against the younger student. She told police that she had been raped by some of the suspects accused in the other case. Investigating police say the information provided corroborated that given by the younger victim.

A child psychologist, looking after the girl’s welfare, says she has been given sedatives and psychological counselling.

“While the girl does not come from a poor family, her parents are divorced.”

Police learned that the teachers allegedly threatened to make the girl repeat classes if she refused to have sex with them. The girl dared not tell anyone about the incidents until her grandmother learned about them.

The alleged gang rape case sparked national outrage when the grandmother of the 14 year old girl filed a criminal complaint last week. So far, police had pressed charges against five teachers and two male alumni. All have denied the charges against them. The suspects surrendered to police and were sent to court, where they were released on bail of 200,000 baht each pending further investigation.

Police investigators scoured four sites connected with the alleged crimes including the school gym, the volleyball court, the teacher rooms and their private residences. Investigators report they had recovered used condoms and a number of empty liquor bottles.

He said the police are prepared to take the victims and witnesses into protective custody in the event of witness intimidation.

SOURCE: Bangkok Post

Northern Thailand News
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