Weird World News: Indecent in-flight behavior

PHUKET: Travel by airplane can be tough. Long lines, endless security checks and jet lag can be enough to turn the best of us into agitated, less-tolerant versions of ourselves.
But for the most part, we hold our nerve while scoffing down a few prescription pills, sink into our seats and sleep.
There are those who don’t want you to sit back, relax and enjoy the flight. There are passengers who thrive on making your flight one to remember for all the wrong reasons.
Here is our list of top five airline blunders and rude behavior by bungling passengers who didn’t want to make friends in flight.
Pull your pants up (trousers for the Brits)
GREEN DAY lead singer Billie Joe Armstrong was kicked off a flight earlier this month for wearing pants that sagged too low.
The singer, 39, had just boarded a Southwest flight from Oakland to Los Angeles when the incident happened.
Reports said a stewardess was upset that Joel’s pants were sagging around his backside revealing his underwear.
She asked him to leave the plane. He did. After the airline realized who he was, they gave him a seat on the next flight. Soon after, the airline issued an official apology.
To pee, or not to pee
FRENCH actor Gerard Depardieu made headlines last month for urinating on the floor of an airplane.
A fellow passenger on the Dublin-Paris flight told the British press the “inebriated” film star announced, “I need to piss, I need to piss”, as the aircraft was preparing for takeoff.
After being told by cabin crew to sit down, Depardieu peed on the floor, reports said.
The actor was escorted off the aircraft and banned from City Jet for life.
Depardieu, 62, who has starred in more than 150 films and was once nominated for an Academy Award, didn’t win any new fans with his antics as the flight was delayed for two hours.
Arousal Airways
BEWARE of mid-air masturbators! A Florida man took matters into his own hands on a United Airlines Spokane-Denver flight in May this year.
Kyle Pearce, 25, masturbated to the point of ejaculation while shocked witnesses gawked in disbelief just meters away in seats opposite and behind him.
One stunned onlooker even hit the mid-air masturbator on the arm with a book, causing him to stop what he was doing and flee to the bathroom.
CB S reported that the man was arrested by the FBI when he arrived at Denver. He was later charged with “making an obscene and indecent exposure of his person”.
Flight attendant has enough, quits in stunning style
THIS might be one of the most dramatic exits from an aircraft of all time.
Last year, Jet Blue flight attendant Steven Slater, 38, reportedly swore at an entire aircraft full of passengers before grabbing a beer, flinging open the emergency exit, deploying the emergency chute and sliding off to freedom.
As the Pitsburgh-New York flight was taxiing to a gate at John F Kennedy International Airport, Slater tried to help a woman who was struggling to unload her luggage, even though she should have still been seated.
An argument broke out between the two and Slater claimed the woman hit him with her luggage.
That’s when Slater snapped.
Reports claim he charged to the intercom and delivered an expletive speech in which he also thanked all the polite and respectful passengers he had dealt with over his 20-year career.
He then grabbed his beer and his bag and plunged down the emergency exit chute, got in his car and drove off.
Slater was jailed and later had to post US$2,500 for bail.
ABC News quoted Slater’s lawyer as saying: “This is an example of how airline civility is missing…people just don’t have any courtesy anymore”.
Toilet politics – know your place
IF YOU fly economy class, expect a stinky potty in the rear of the plane. Don’t think for one minute that you can use the business class hong nam to do your business – unless you want to end up like the following passenger who aimed above his class.
Yes, a man arrested and faced charges of assault after he made a mad dash for the business class bathroom on a Delta flight to Atlanta in 2009.
The man, who was reportedly busting to go and frustrated that the economy class bathroom was blocked by a trolley, pleaded to do his business in business class.
After being told “no” by the crew, he made his move and ran to business class only to be blocked by a flight attendant. After a scuffle, the man skulked off back to economy where he remained for the rest of the flight.
He was met at his final destination by police officers and was carted off to jail for two nights where he no doubt relieved himself in prison.
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