Thai man stabbed by girlfriend’s ex, attacker flees with woman

Photo via YouTube/ ThaiRath TV

A Thai man is seeking justice after being stabbed by his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend at a condominium in Bangkok. The attacker escaped arrest and fled to the central province of Chainart with the victim’s girlfriend.

The victim, 21 year old Thanawat Phontaecha, urged non-profit organisation Saimai Survive to follow up on the complaint of the physical assault for him. Thanawat claimed that the attacker, identified only as Chang, promised to surrender twice but failed to do so.

In a press conference yesterday, May 30, Thanawat recounted the assault, which occurred in the early hours of May 25. Thanawat revealed that he and his girlfriend argued over her revealing clothes. His girlfriend insisted they end their relationship and moved out of his condo room.

According to Thanawat, his girlfriend’s transgender friend arrived to help her move, accompanied by Chang, whom Thanawat later learned was his girlfriend’s ex.

Thanawat noticed Chang carrying a knife and suspected his intentions, so reportedly attacked Chang in self-defence. They engaged in a physical altercation, and Chang reportedly cut Thanawat’s shoulder and wrist before stabbing him in the stomach.

Chang fled the scene on his motorcycle while his girlfriend and her transgender friend hurried Thanawat to the hospital. Thanawat received four stitches for a shoulder wound and another five stitches for his wrist. The stabbing in his stomach posed a risk of kidney failure.

Thanawat’s girlfriend claimed ignorance of Chang’s presence at the condominium. Her friend explained meeting Chang on the way and his request to accompany her upon learning of the couple’s breakup.

Thanawat complained to Khok Kram Police Station but Chang evaded capture, leaving Bangkok for his home province with Thanawat’s girlfriend.

Thanawat reached out to Chang’s father, who pledged to persuade his son to surrender. However, Chang has yet to turn himself in.

Thanawat stated that he decided to seek help from Saimai Survive because he was worried about his safety and wanted Chang to be arrested as soon as possible. He added that he would end the relationship with his girlfriend, even if she asked for reconciliation.

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Petch Petpailin

Petpailin, or Petch, is a Thai translator and writer for The Thaiger who focuses on translating breakingThai news stories into English. With a background in field journalism, Petch brings several years of experience to the English News desk at The Thaiger. Before joining The Thaiger, Petch worked as a content writer for several known blogging sites in Bangkok, including Happio and The Smart Local. Her articles have been syndicated by many big publishers in Thailand and internationally, including the Daily Mail, The Sun and the Bangkok Post. She is a news writer who stops reading news on the weekends to spend more time cafe hopping and petting dwarf shrimp! But during office hours, you can find Petch on LinkedIn and you can reach her by email at

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