Thai astrology 2024: Year of the Horse to see wealth increase

Photo courtesy of ซินแสเป็นหนึ่ง วงษ์ภูดร (Facebook)

The astrological predictions of 2024 indicate a promising year for those born in the Year of the Goat. Notably, financial fortune is expected to favour those born in the Year of the Horse, who will witness an increase in income and improved liquidity, with a high probability of being able to pay off debts. Meanwhile, the Year of the Rat is predicted to bring good fortune in work, with chances for promotion in the first three months of the year.

Astrologically, the Year of the Horse in 2024 is expected to bring increased income, improved financial conditions and the opportunity to resolve outstanding debts. Those born in this year are advised to live well, as their financial situation is expected to improve, leaving more disposable income for spending and saving. Those waiting to buy a house or a car could find their wishes fulfilled in the next year. In addition, those born in the Year of the Goat may find people willing to invest in their ventures, and there is a high chance of receiving assets and good news.

For those born in the Year of the Ox, the first three months could bring a promotion or improvement in their work situation. However, the Year of the Ox typically presents high pressure, requiring endurance. For those who have endured this pressure, 2024 is expected to bring rewards, with employers noticing their work ethic and providing better opportunities. This year could also be the start of good things for those who have made investments, with everything starting to improve.

On the other hand, the Year of the Rooster is expected to bring unexpected fortune. Those born in this year are advised to make small or large merit to enhance their fortune. The Year of the Rabbit will see good fortune in the first three months of 2024, often from the opposite sex, while those born in the Year of the Snake could experience unexpected fortune, such as receiving a job or money.

Regarding love, those born in the Year of the Pig have a chance to cultivate a new relationship with someone they have known for a long time. For those who are single and born in the Year of the Dog, many new people may enter their lives in the first three months, but it is advised to start as friends and make careful decisions. For those born in the Year of the Monkey, single individuals may find love with someone older or more mature, but those in a relationship should be aware of mood swings, reports Khao Sod.

In terms of health predictions, those born in the Year of the Rat have an overall good outlook but should pay attention to dental health and oral care. Those born in the Year of the Dragon, who tend to be devoted to everything, should watch out for chronic problems such as neck and shoulder issues. Those born in the Year of the Horse have a generally positive health outlook with no serious concerns, but they should ensure they get enough rest.

In related news, Thai lottery predictions stir excitement ahead of 30 December 2023 draw.

Thailand News

Nattapong Westwood

Nattapong Westwood is a Bangkok-born writer who is half Thai and half Aussie. He studied in an international school in Bangkok and then pursued journalism studies in Melbourne. Nattapong began his career as a freelance writer before joining Thaiger. His passion for news writing fuels his dedication to the craft, as he consistently strives to deliver engaging content to his audience.

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