fortune teller

  • Thailand News

    Naga’s eyes open wide: Cave ceremony stuns Thailand devotees

    A ceremony to reveal the eyes of the Naga statues in the Ruesi Sombat Cave in the Phetchabun province caused astonishment among devotees. The event, led by the head monk of the Sombat Cave, Phra Ajarn Sakol Kosolo, and witnessed by over 300 participants, involved rituals to honour deities and sacred entities. The cave, with historical significance dating back to…

  • Thailand News

    DJ Tonhom embraces bar host business on fortune-teller’s advice

    The entertainment industry is abuzz with the latest venture of the vivacious DJ Tonhom Sakuntala Tianpairot, who is making waves with her foray into the bar host business. The DJ’s new investment is the talk of the town, not just for its promising prospects but also due to a curious prediction by a fortune-teller, who prophesied wealth for her through…

  • Thailand News

    Astrologer predicts financial prosperity for three zodiac signs in lottery season

    As the lottery season approaches, people are hopeful to boost their finances at the start of the year. According to astrologer Thosaporn, three zodiac signs are poised for financial fortune. Thosaporn reveals that those belonging to the zodiac signs of Aquarius (born between February 13 and March 14), Cancer (July 17 and August 16), and Sagittarius (November 17 and December…

  • Thailand News

    Astrologer predicts business success for Taurus, Leo, and Sagittarius in 2024

    Promising business prospects await individuals born under the Taurus, Leo, and Sagittarius zodiac signs in 2024, according to Chang Thosaporn, a renowned astrologer. Taurus individuals, those born between April 14 and May 14, will experience significant luck in initiating new ventures in the coming year. Any plans set in motion are predicted to have a high chance of success. Astrologically,…

  • Thailand News

    Thai astrology 2024: Year of the Horse to see wealth increase

    The astrological predictions of 2024 indicate a promising year for those born in the Year of the Goat. Notably, financial fortune is expected to favour those born in the Year of the Horse, who will witness an increase in income and improved liquidity, with a high probability of being able to pay off debts. Meanwhile, the Year of the Rat…

  • Thailand News

    Thai fortune teller’s readings spark controversy on social media

    A recent incident has rattled social media, where a popular Thai fortune teller, known for her expensive rates and precise predictions, has been accused of using information from clients’ mobile phones for their readings. The case came to light when a TikTok user, cakekanokon, posted a video warning others about this practice. Today, three clients, Pam, Cake and Hem, revealed…

  • Thailand News

    Renowned fortune-teller predicts potential misfortunes before new year 2024

    A recent prediction by the renowned fortune-teller Mor Plai Prai Krasib hints at potential misfortunes in the three days before the new year of 2024. The seer further points to significant changes post-January, with a focus on health issues linked to flying creatures. In an interview published by the Facebook page At Ten Day, Mor Plai unveiled his predictions for…

  • Thailand News

    Cosmic con: Fortune teller tricks Thai woman into sex and 14 million baht loss

    A Thai woman issued a warning to others after a fortune teller tricked her into paying more than 14 million baht for rituals and lured her into having sex with him. The 30 year old victim, named only as A, shared her story with the non-profit organisation Saimai Survive to warn other women and process a lawsuit against the fortune teller.…

  • Crime News

    Unmasking Wadee: Twitter user reveals twisted tricks of fraudulent fortune teller

    In a shocking series of revelations, a Twitter user @summeru756762 exposed a fraudulent fortune teller known as Wadee, who manipulates individuals into obedience, forcing them to transfer money and physically abusing them. The victim, acquainted with the trickster for four years, detailed a chilling account of manipulation, coercion, and abuse that has sparked widespread outrage and led to other victims…

  • Thailand News

    Thai fortune teller envisions political and economic upswing in Thailand

    A shift in Thailand’s political and economic landscape is anticipated, with improvements expected from November to April, according to renowned fortune teller Navaracha Pinitlokakorn, also known as Mor Plai. Despite her failed prediction regarding the identity of Thailand’s new prime minister, she views this as a fortunate turn of events. She advised patience and granting the new PM the opportunity…

  • Road deaths

    Bloody accident on Asia Highway: Fortune teller killed

    A tragic accident occurred midday yesterday in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province, resulting in the death of a 61 year old fortune teller. En route to visit both her daughter and ailing mother in Bangkok, her motorbike taxi was struck by an 18-wheel truck whilst crossing between parallel lanes. According to the investigating officer, Chaiwat Tiphsotti, the accident happened on…

  • Crime News

    Spiritual medium scams four Thais out of 600,000 baht

    In a tale of deception, four residents reported to police their loss of 600,000 baht (US$17,015) due to a scam involving a woman claiming to be a spiritual medium. The culprit convinced her victims to perform an expensive ritual, warning that without it, their lives could be at risk. To add to the losses, the fraudster promised to provide cheap…

  • Thailand News

    Thai woman crashes car into factory wall after fortune teller’s warning

    A 25 year old Thai woman miraculously survived a severe car accident after her vehicle collided with a factory wall in the Mueang district of Chachoengsao province today. An eyewitness revealed that the driver, Chalita, seemed to have dozed off at the wheel, while her mother claimed to have received warnings about the incident from a fortune teller. Upon receiving…