Tesla repair quote shocks owner with 1.3 million baht estimate

Image courtesy of Koy Saranlapus

A Tesla owner shared her frustration online after her car was involved in an accident and the repair costs were quoted at 1.3 million baht. She claimed that the insurance company reported 149 items needing repair, exceeding the coverage limit.

The owner made a post in a Facebook group, detailing her experience with her damaged vehicle. The front and windshield of her Tesla were extensively damaged two weeks ago after swerving to avoid a motorcycle. Initially, she was informed that the repair costs would be around 600,000 baht but the final estimate surged to 1.3 million baht.


“I am the owner of the Tesla that made the news for avoiding a motorcycle two weeks ago. Now, the insurance company has informed me that Tesla has finalised the repair costs at 1.3 million baht.”

Confusion deepened when she requested a detailed quotation from Tesla, only to be told that she could not view the specific costs for each repair item. The company provided a list of the 149 repair items but omitted the associated costs.

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“The staff who keyed in the prices to the insurance company said they could not show me the individual repair costs. They only provided the list of repair and replacement items.”

The Tesla owner was particularly perplexed because earlier assessments stated that the battery did not need replacement, only the battery cover. Despite this, the repair costs doubled from the initial estimate.

The owner expressed her frustration and sought advice from other Tesla owners in the group, asking if it was common practice for Tesla to withhold detailed cost information.


She was also informed that the insurance company would soon contact her to discuss whether to proceed with the repairs and pay the difference or to write off the car as a total loss.

“I want to know if anyone else has had a similar experience where they could not get the detailed quotation with the repair costs from Tesla. Has anyone faced rejection when requesting the repair and parts cost details?”

The post quickly gathered attention, with other group members sharing their experiences and offering advice. Some mentioned that obtaining a detailed quotation could be challenging, especially when dealing with high repair costs and insurance claims.

Thailand NewsTransport News

Ryan Turner

Ryan is a journalism student from Mahidol University with a passion for history, writing and delivering news content with a rich storytelling narrative.

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