Recreational drug users warned over dangers of ‘Magic Paper’ hallucinogen


Thai medical officials are warning about a recreational drug known as “death stamp” or “magic paper”.

The Nation reports that the deputy director-general of the Department of Medical Services, Dr Manus Photaporn, says the drug is popular with foreign tourists and involves the use of lysergic acid diethylamide (commonly known as LSD or acid).

“Magic paper is basically blotter paper with drops of lysergic acid diethylamide, which is a type-one narcotic substance with hallucinogenic effects. It will be cut into small pieces like postal stamps, decorated with various patterns and colours, and consumed by placing it under the tongue. The drug will take effect within 30-90 minutes and lasts 8-12 hours.”

Dr Manus says side-effects of the drug include rising body temperature, blood pressure and heart rate, coupled with dilated pupils, loss of appetite, sweating and shaking.

“It also causes paranoia and hallucinations, increasing the risk to the user or others as such delusions can lead to attacks on others, self-harming or even suicide.”

The director of The Princess Mother National Institute on Drug Abuse Treatment says use of the drug in Thailand is not yet widespread, but some foreign tourists have been caught with it and the institute wants parents to be aware.

“We do however feel it necessary to warn other parties and raise their level of understanding. Parents need not to be panic yet but should keep a close eye on their children’s behavior.

If you have any questions regarding drug abuse, please contact drug hotline 1165 or visit their website… (in Thai)

SOURCE: The Nation

For some more information, in English, about hallucinogens, go HERE.

Thailand News
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Maya Taylor

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