Phuket: Chinese street beggar arrested for deceitful collection of donations

Photo courtesy of Phuket News

A Chinese man has been arrested by police for collecting donations that he falsely claimed would go towards funds to help a disabled child.

Phuket police arrested the Chinese national on January 15 for fraud by posing as a deaf-mute person collecting funds for an allegedly sick child with leukaemia who required a bone marrow transplant. The Chinese man had false documents in both English and Thai. Cash donations were found.

The man was taken to Phuket Police Station for legal action. He was charged with soliciting money illegally in a public place with print advertising, reported Phuket News.

Police warned members of the public of such deceptive behaviour, urging them to report similar cases to police.

“We would like to warn the public not to be fooled or to assist foreigners who appear to be mute or disabled with documents asking for sympathy.”

Street begging without a permit is illegal in Thailand. Applicants are screened thoroughly and permits are issued at regular periods each year.

In related news, police in Bangkok arrested four Chinese nationals engaged in illegal begging. Ongoing investigations are delving into the possibility of human trafficking and the individuals responsible for orchestrating this operation.

A social media influencer, Kannatat “Gun” Pongpaiboonwet played a pivotal role in the discovery of the illegal Chinese beggars. Acting on a tip-off, Gun promptly relayed the information to officers at Bang Phlat Police Station. Subsequently, the authorities successfully arrested one Chinese beggar outside Major Cineplex Pinklao on November 19.

In other news, Immigration Bureau officers arrested 23 Jordanian beggars at a hotel in the Nana neighbourhood of Bangkok on November 28 last year following complaints from business owners on Soi Sukhumvit 4 near Nana Plaza.

Business owners near Nana Plaza shared videos of foreign beggars from a Middle Eastern country causing a public nuisance in the area on several social media platforms last week. They urged the relevant authorities to take action against the beggars, saying their begging was affecting their businesses.

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Puntid Tantivangphaisal

Originally from Hong Kong, Puntid moved to Bangkok in 2020 to pursue further studies in translation. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Hong Kong. Puntid spent 8 years living in Manchester, UK. Before joining The Thaiger, Puntid has been a freelance translator for 2 years. In her free time, she enjoys swimming and listening to music, as well as writing short fiction and poetry.

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