Most motorcycle accidents in Thailand involved cars cutting in front of traffic


Thai roads are among the most deadly in the world and most of the fatal accidents involve motorcycles. A recent study found that 80% of motorcycle accidents are related to cars cutting in front of oncoming traffic.

Honda and Yamaha partnered with the Thailand Accident Research Centre, or TARC, for the “In-depth Accident Investigation in Thailand,” reviewing 1,000 motorcycle accidents that took place between 2016 and 2020. The study was intended to help find solutions to help reduce the number of accidents.

The study found that most motorcycle riders involved in accidents were riding at normal speeds of around 20kph to 60kph. Researchers say most were not under the influence of alcohol. Many victims were young riders.

More than 40% of riders who died motorcycle accidents suffered severe injuries, with 62% of those riders not wearing a helmet. TARC recommends that Thai police tighten enforcement on those riding without a helmet. They also recommend that there should be a speed limit of 80kph for motorcycles as well as stricter regulations on motorbike modifications.

TARC recommends Thai officials come up with new road designs that focus on safe motorcycle riding by limiting the mix of motorcycles and cars at accident-prone areas like U-turns, intersections and highway entrances and exits.

TARC also suggests Thai officials review driving courses to add more focus on skills that help with a driver’s judgement and decision making.

SOURCE: Nation Thailand

Road deathsThailand News

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