LATEST: Appeal Court denies Thanapat’s bail request

Actor Thanapat “Toy Toy” Chanakulpisan, who inadvertently killed his girlfriend when they struggled over a knife, has been denied bail. The Appeal Court agreed with the Min Buri’s Court decision yesterday.
Thanapat, who acts in the Thai soap opera “It’s because of love, isn’t it?”, which also goes by the title “Why R U” allegedly confessed to killing his girlfriend, Chatsaran Suwannakit, last Friday.
However, the discrepancies in the story continue to swirl. Now, Bangkok Post is reporting that Thanapat killed Chatsaran in a “blind rage”. Previously, the Bangkok Post’s account of the killing had several details that diverged from other accounts. For example, Bangkok Post originally did not state that it was Thanapat who killed Chatsaran and their account of where the knife was found also diverged from The Nation Thailand’s account.
Thanapat’s bail request with the Min Buri Court was rejected yesterday on the grounds that the crime has severe penalties and the suspect posed a flight risk.
After the first bail request was shot down, Thanapat’s lawyer lodged a request with the Appeal Court. However, the Appeal Court concurred with Min Buri Court’s rejection saying the rejection was “correct”.
Currently, Thanapat is waiting for further legal proceedings at the Min Buri Remand Prison. His first detention period will last until August 18.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post