Tee-time terror: Golf day takes a swing with surprise appearance of giant king cobra

In the Ban Bueng district of Chon Buri, a typical day of golfing transformed into a scene straight out of a wildlife documentary when an enormous king cobra raised its scary head.
The beastly serpent, sprawled across the green, caused a stir among golfers, who promptly vacated the area in all directions.
Upon receiving the distress signal, volunteer rescuers from the Silarattham Samakom Foundation, aptly skilled in handling such incidents, arrived at the golf course.
With a well-practised routine, they were quick to corner and subdue the colossal creature using a snake clamp catcher. The sight of the giant black king cobra, lying docile after the swift capture, was a testament to the skill and courage of the rescuers.
The sheer size of the serpent was awe-inspiring, to say the least. The rescuers measured the king cobra, finding it to be a staggering 4 metres and 20 centimetres long, reports the Pattaya News.
Weighing in at over 12 kilogrammes, it took five fully grown adults to lift the snake, further underscoring the magnitude of the situation.
The Silarattham Samakom Foundation, whose volunteers captured the cobra, is currently ensuring the well-being of the snake. They have taken responsibility for its safekeeping until it can be handed over to the appropriate authorities for further evaluation and care.
The rescuers theorised that the unusually hot weather could be the reason behind the cobra leaving its natural habitat to venture into the golf course.
The incident serves as a reminder of the delicate balance between urbanisation and wildlife habitats. As cities and towns expand, encounters with wildlife are becoming increasingly common, highlighting the importance of maintaining this balance and ensuring the safety of both citizens and animals.
While the golfers might have missed a day on the green, they certainly had a story to tell – an unexpected encounter with one of nature’s most formidable creatures, right in the heart of their golf course.