Illegal taxi gang accused of misusing public space in Khon Kaen

In an incident which has caused friction, an illegal taxi gang has been discovered allegedly commandeering public space in front of a major shop in Khon Kaen Municipality. A man in the group had set up cones to prevent public vehicles from entering, claiming it was solely for taxi use.
The alarming activity came to light in a popular Facebook group “Khon Kaen has checkpoints. Notify useful news.” A member posted images and a complaint which showed a roughly 50 year old man from the group blocking the public and vehicles from the area in the vicinity of a large department store in Khon Kaen Municipality. An accompanying message revealed further details suggesting a local authority, supposedly, had auctioned off this public space to the rogue taxi operators. A contentious claim that people had paid to be looked after by a boss was also mentioned.
Further questioning revealed that only certain recognised cabs were permitted to park. In addition, they noted which vehicle number plates were parked nearby, and questioned people about their destinations in an attempt to call for a taxi. A registration for cabbies taking care of people was also reported, KhaoSod reported.
This action sparked bewilderment among the general public, who lodged numerous complaints. It prompted the relevant police to investigate whether this was a false claim or a genuine misuse of power. Officers from Khon Kaen Municipality and Khon Kaen City police were dispatched to check the grounds.
Upon inspection, it was confirmed as an illegal taxi stand set up in contravention of laws. Although no one’s identity was evident at the time of the operation, authorities seized metal signs, signs on wheelbarrows, and wooden chairs fastened to the sidewalk curb. This move aimed to prevent rogue individuals from fabricating stories, misleadingly asserting that the taxi stand area was legally acquired or approved by the Khon Kaen Municipality and Khon Kaen City police. Such fraudulent claims incurred damage to government agencies.
When inquired about its link to the illegal operations, the shopping centre revealed that the area in question wasn’t their responsibility. Moreover, the Centre’s management disassociated itself from previous agreements with the illicit taxi group.