House Committee’s Myanmar crisis plan for stability

The Committee on Foreign Affairs in the House has proposed a strategic four-point plan aimed at mitigating the crisis in Myanmar. The chairman of the committee and representative of the Pheu Thai Party, Noppadon Pattama, revealed that the committee supports all initiatives to bring an end to the Myanmar crisis, and has been closely observing the developments there.

A special panel, Noppadon suggested, should be developed by the government, enlisting the expertise of security and foreign affairs officials. This panel would be tasked with the constant monitoring of the situation in Myanmar and devising a comprehensive response strategy.

In addition, he stressed the importance of creating a contingency plan to manage any potential escalation of conflict that could result in an influx of refugees into the border provinces. With Myanmar expected to intensify conscription come April, the likelihood of escalating conflict is high.

Noppadon also emphasized the need to broaden humanitarian aid distribution to ensure all those affected by the conflict benefit, as opposed to the current system that limits aid to 10,000 individuals in three villages. He suggested the involvement of ASEAN to guarantee all-encompassing support and highlighted Thailand’s potential role as a key player in the resolution of the Myanmar crisis, beyond merely serving as a facilitator.

The final point in his proposal was the advocacy for peace in Myanmar, through the establishment of the Myanmar Troika Plus. This group, comprising Thailand, the chair of ASEAN, China and India, would function as an informal consultation mechanism to promote sustainable peace in Myanmar.

This proposed mechanism aligns with ASEAN’s five-point peace plan, which advocates for a cessation of hostilities, inter-party dialogue, and unrestricted humanitarian access to Myanmar. Noppadon, a former foreign minister, expressed confidence in the potential of Thailand and ASEAN to drive peace initiatives in Myanmar, despite the complexity of the conflict.

Previously, the government had given the green light to establish a humanitarian corridor along the Myanmar border to aid those displaced due to internal conflict. This initiative, approved by ASEAN foreign ministers and a representative from the Myanmar junta, will enable Red Cross teams from both Thailand and Myanmar to deliver supplies under the watchful eye of ASEAN’s humanitarian aid body.

The first convoy of aid is set to enter Myanmar today via the 2nd Thai-Myanmar Bridge located in Tak’s Mae Sot district, reported Bangkok Post.

Politics NewsThailand News

Mitch Connor

Mitch is a Bangkok resident, having relocated from Southern California, via Florida in 2022. He studied journalism before dropping out of college to teach English in South America. After returning to the US, he spent 4 years working for various online publishers before moving to Thailand.

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