Four migrants in Songkhla discovered to have Covid-19, treated in hospital

Police arrested 22 migrants from Myanmar in Songkhla last night, and four tested positive for Covid-19. They are now being treated at a hospital, while the rest of the migrants in the group await legal measures on charges of illegal entry, and pending deportation. District officials found the 22 men hiding in bushes, and reporters at the Bangkok Post said they looked exhausted.
This news comes two days after Thai officials warned people to “look out for” illegal migrants. A government spokesman said this is part of efforts to fight the recent Covid-19 spike. On Friday, the spokesman said there were 18,066 new infections reported in 24 hours. He said 17,898 cases were locals, and 168 were international arrivals. Since January 1, there has been a total of 451,042 Covid-19 infections, and 27 deaths.
The 22 migrants caught last night had each paid 50,000 baht to job brokers for jobs in Malaysia. Police have recently been cracking down on such job brokers who make deals with illegal migrants. Yesterday, police in Songkla arrested a job broker who helped 31 Burmese migrants also crossing through Thailand to get to Malaysia in January. The broker himself was Malaysian. Police found with him a pistol and 33 rounds of ammunition, as well as a pickup truck and a mobile phone.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post