Former street food vendor making more money from homemade dog food business

A former street food vendor in the western province of Kanchanaburi has launched a new business venture selling homemade dog food. According to a Nation Thailand report, Surachet Kangsri now makes more money from his dog food business and has stopped selling human food.
Surachet says he came up with the idea when he realised customers who were buying his human food were mixing the leftovers with rice to feed their dogs. As not all recipes were suitable for dogs, he decided to branch out.
“Human food is not good for dogs’ health in the long run, so I invented a recipe for dogs using good ingredients, like pork and beef of high quality, to create 2 recipes.”
The new business has taken off, with Surachet now making more money from his homemade dog food than he did selling curry and rice for human consumption. Initially, he was using 4 kilograms a day of ingredients such as pork and beef but that quickly increased to an average of 10 – 15 kilograms thanks to a surge in demand from dog owners.
The intrepid vendor can now make up to 1,000 baht a day, with one plastic box of cooked dog meals going for between 15 and 50 baht, depending on size. A pack of frozen dog meals costs 60 baht. Surachet says his products can be purchased from several stalls in Kanchanaburi and online.
SOURCE: Nation Thailand