Buddhist monk Phra Phayom weighs in on ‘year brewing’ social media storm

Renowned Buddhist monk Phra Phayom discusses the recent social media controversy over the Chinese astrological belief of year brewing. He urges people to maintain a good state of mind and to believe in karma and perseverance, citing the example of the heated debate on social media initiated by Prairie Praiwan Wannabutr.
Today, reporters asked Phra, the abbot of Wat Suan Kaew, about the year brewing controversy. He responded that belief in certain things fluctuates with each era. Whether it’s brewing 25, 50 or 100 times, it’s a matter of mindset. He cautioned against the lure of extraneous practices because they promise to make one’s life better, and advised that one should not forget the teachings of Buddha to avoid arguments that disturb the mind and distract from the clarity of Dharma.
“We need to gradually observe whether those who perform the ceremonies improve and compare them with those born in the same year who do not perform ceremonies.”
He emphasised belief in karma and perseverance, suggesting that if we perform good deeds to the fullest extent without surrendering our mind to the power of karma, and strive to escape from it without determination, we will receive better results than any other ceremony. However, he does not prohibit anyone from following these practices.
He further stated that many people do not want to stay within the boundaries and are constantly seeking new truths. I believe that when these seekers can’t find the truth they are looking for, they will eventually return to the original teachings of Buddhism.
He advised maintaining faith in the principles of karma and Veta according to Buddhist teachings, as no money needs to be spent on ceremonies, only gain is expected.
As for the definition of year brewing, Phra admits he does not know about this because he has not had the time to study it. He is unsure if it is similar to the Chinese zodiac year. However, he is certain that this type of year brewing only results in the loss of money, reported KhaoSod.
“It’s not as satisfying as brewing coffee or Ovaltine. That’s more satisfying and doesn’t lead to arguments.”