Leopard in the room: Indian boy’s purr-fect phone escape

A young boy in India encountered a leopard in his room while playing on his phone, managing to quietly exit and lock the animal inside.
The 12 year old boy, Mohit Ahir, displayed remarkable composure and bravery during the incident.
Ahir, the son of a security official at a wedding event, was waiting for his father in the office room when the unexpected visitor, a leopard, strolled in. The child stealthily slipped out and secured the door, promptly informing his father that he had trapped the leopard in the office.
Upon the arrival of forest department officials, police, and locals at the scene, tranquillisers were used to subdue the leopard, leading to a resolution of the tense situation. The boy’s courageous act has been widely commended and celebrated.
“The leopard was so close I could barely see any space between us. Even though I was very scared, I stayed calm, quietly got down from the table, and sneaked out to shut the door.”
Earlier on the day of the incident, villagers had spotted the leopard, but despite a search, it was not found until it was discovered to have been confined by Ahir. The forest officials responded swiftly upon receiving news of the trapped animal, reported Sanook.
A forest department official commented on the incident.
“When the boy had the leopard locked in the room, our people were in the vicinity. We immediately called for backup from another town. It turned out to be a five year old male leopard.”
In related news, tourists at Kaeng Krachan National Park were left in awe as they stumbled upon a majestic black leopard. The sleek creature made a surprise appearance near the Ban Trang campsite on January 10, turning an ordinary day into an extraordinary wildlife spectacle. Kaeng Krachan National Park chief Mongkol Thai Phakdi confirmed the astounding sighting.