Attack of the macaques – Krabi’s monkeys invade school

PHOTOS: Srisuda Yongkit

More than 20 long-tailed macaques raided a vocational college in Krabi’s Klong Thom district on this morning, apparently in search of food.

The monkeys are said to have come down from the hills behind an army base in the district and searched through the garbage bins.

But not content with that, they also ransacked teachers’ rooms and classrooms and caused damage to the school.

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The monkeys were apparently not afraid of the teachers and threatened anyone approaching them.

Chinachipa Dungsuksai, head of accounts at the college, said the monkeys raided the building for three days running looking for food, sparking fears they would injure someone.

Suwat Suksri, head of Thung Thalae Wildlife Sanctuary, said officers are trying to lure the monkeys with fruit to cages, which might take a few days.

Suwat said drought has caused food scarcity in the forests, forcing the monkeys to look elsewhere for food.

Attack of the macaques - Krabi's monkeys invade school | News by Thaiger Attack of the macaques - Krabi's monkeys invade school | News by Thaiger Attack of the macaques - Krabi's monkeys invade school | News by Thaiger

SOURCE: The Nation

Krabi News
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