French citizen arrested in Pattaya allegedly seeking to profit from child porn

A 64 year old French man, wanted by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), was arrested yesterday (Thursday) on charges related to child pornography in Chon Buri province.

The arrest of suspect Rachid Abdel Kader, and the search of his house in Soi Rung Land in Southern Pattaya, involved a collaboration between the FBI, Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation and the Chon Buri Immigration Police.

Officers seized as evidence the pornographic photos and video clips of Thai girls allegedly found on Kader’s home computer and on CDs and brought the man for interrogation at the Chon Buri Immigration Checkpoint Office.

Office superintendent Pol Colonel Songprod Sirisukha said Kader had spent the past decade in Pattaya after retiring. An FBI investigation recently discovered Kader had profited from downloading child pornography and sharing the materials within a group. The FBI then contacted the DSI and Chon Buri Immigration Police to make the arrest, Songprod said. Officers were confident they had strong evidence against the man, and transferred him to the Muang Chon Buri Police Station for processing on charges of possessing and seeking to profit from child pornography.

French citizen arrested in Pattaya allegedly seeking to profit from child porn | News by Thaiger

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