Chiang Mai netizens outraged after porn movie released online

Chiang Mai locals are sharing their outrage over a porn video shot in a local massage shop where the massage ends up in a lot more than just a happy ending. The clip is called “Thai VIP Massage” and is credited to

Manager Online reports that netizens are calling for the police to investigate the adult movie shot in the northern city. The clip was filmed in various locations around the city.

The plot (we use the term loosely) shows foreign tourist goes into the Thai massage shop which is reported to be located near Loi Kroh Road. The man is greeted by a woman wearing traditional Lanna style clothing. She starts off with a traditional massage but her handiwork gets increasingly more sexual in nature and, well, you sort of know the rest of the ‘plot’.

Police say they are yet to receive an official complaint about the clip, which was shared on the Line App, but they have made some preliminary investigations (The Thaiger believes this may involve several detailed viewings of the clip).

Complaints about the ‘adult film’, say that the clip will sully the good reputation of Chiang Mai and Thai’s living in the north. They also complained that people viewing the clip may get the wrong impression about Thai massage.

The mock-moral outrage over the porn video appears contrary to Thai’s actual online viewing habits. The two most popular websites in Thailand are porn video sites, after Google, YouTube and Facebook, a long way ahead of local sites like Pantip.

SOURCE: Manager Online

Chiang Mai netizens outraged after porn movie released online | News by Thaiger

Chiang Mai News
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