In it together – Floods around the world

Hardly a day goes by without more news of death and destruction in Thailand as the monsoon season resolutely refuses to end.
We are not alone. It seems like the whole world is underwater, with people washed out of their homes from Australia to Zambia.
Here are some images of different people facing similar problems around the world.
And the flood was forty days upon the earth, and the waters increased and raised the ark above the earth.
“They talked about Noah and the ark because the story had animals in it. They failed to mention that this was when God massacred all of humanity.”
May the flood of water not overflow me
Nor did the deep swallow me up,
Nor did the pit shut its mouth on me.
“When the earthquake stops, when the flood recedes, when the volcanic dust settles or the guns fall silent, the survivors pick their way through the rubble and debris and wreckage.”
Behold, waters are going to rise from the north
And become an overflowing torrent,
And overflow the land and all its fullness,
The city and those who live in it;
And the men will cry out,
And every inhabitant of the land will wail.
“I would not buy a second-hand car in Florida due to the high risk of flood damage.”
Let the rivers clap their hands,
Let the mountains sing together for joy.
“There was an ocean above us, held in by a thin sac that might rupture and let down a flood at any second.”
Ask forgiveness of your Lord, surely He is the most Forgiving.
He will send down upon you the cloud, pouring down abundance of rain,
and help you with wealth and sons, and make for you gardens, and make for you rivers.
“If you speak, that is rain; if you speak too much, that is a flood!”
How, dear sir, did you cross the flood?
By not halting, friend, and by not straining I crossed the flood.
But how is it, dear sir, that by not halting and by not straining you crossed the flood?
When I came to a standstill, friend, then I sank; but when I struggled, then I got swept away. It is in this way, friend, that by not halting and by not straining I crossed the flood.
“Through effort, you will cross any raging flood, through energy you will pass any sorrow.”
It’s raining, it’s pouring,
The old man’s snoring.
He got into bed
And bumped his head
And couldn’t get up in the morning.
“There is a tide in the affairs of men. Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune”
Que siga lloviendo,
Los pájaros corriendo
Florezca la pradera
Al sol de la primavera.
Rain is communist; Because it rains equally on everyone. The wind is capitalist, destroying the weak.