Cockroach’s thrilling 2,000-km journey rivets Chinese plane passenger

Image screenshot via Sharing Travel, Twitter

An exciting in-flight encounter with a stowaway cockroach caught the attention of social media after a female Chinese passenger on a flight from Shibaoshan to Ningbo noticed the critter. The insect’s surprising endurance while clinging onto the aeroplane window during a 2,000-kilometre journey at high altitudes added a thrill to the passenger’s air travel experience.

The passenger, who opted for the window seat to take in the aerial views, noticed an unexpected travel companion shortly after boarding the plane: a lively bug clinging tenaciously to the outside of the aeroplane window. The cockroach journeyed across over two thousand kilometres with the watching passenger, weathering altitudes of tens of thousands of feet, in what can appropriately be called the ultimate survival quest.

For the passenger, witnessing the cockroach’s journey added an element of intrigue and excitement to her travel, although one could easily imagine the squeamish reactions of those with a fear of insects facing a similar spectacle, reports Sanook.

The video recording of this incredible incident has prompted widespread online discussion. Comments range from humorous disbelief and admissions of anxiety if they had been the passenger to expressions of astonishment and admiration for the cockroach’s resilience

“An un-ticketed passenger made it successfully!”

“The world’s most powerful creature.”

There are also comments that showed empathy with the cockroach telling its impossible travel story, as well as reactions from those who confess they would’ve been terrified if they had been the passenger.

“No one will believe him.”

“I’d be crying. I’m so scared of all bugs.

The incident even spurred on theories with one commentary jesting about the cockroach’s origin, and a wry acknowledgement of the unusual event.

“Now, I’m certain that cockroaches are from outer space.”

“Definitely not on my list of things I thought I’d see today. Ha! A cockroach on an aeroplane window.”

China NewsTransport News

Neill Fronde

Neill is a journalist from the United States with 10+ years broadcasting experience and national news and magazine publications. He graduated with a degree in journalism and communications from the University of California and has been living in Thailand since 2014.

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