Man fails to outrun train on motorbike, dies

If you’ve ever thought about trying to outrun a train… Don’t. Yesterday in Pattaya, a man thought he could probably make it across the tracks before an oncoming train reached the crossing. He thought he could outrun the train, and he was wrong. The man was killed when Train #5101 en route to the Sattahip district nearby in Chon Buri struck his motorbike.
The accident took place near the Thamma Samakkhi temple in Bang Lamung district’s Nong Prue subdistrict. The 25 year old man tried to veer around the train crossing arm that blocked the road at 8.30pm yesterday. The train was already close, with the barrier blocking the road down and the train whistle blaring warnings.
The 43 year old train conductor reminds the public that trains are big and heavy and usually travel around 90 kilometres per hour, making emergency stops very difficult and not very quick. The motorbike driver misjudged the speed and distance and the train ploughed into him.
The man’s yellow Vespa motorbike was crushed by the barrelling train. His body was flung aside, landing in some grass near the train tracks. His body sustained severe injuries and he died on the scene. His body was transported to Bang Lamung hospital while awaiting funeral arrangements. CCTV footage from the scene of the accident will be reviewed though his cause of death is pretty clear.
The conductor shared with Pattaya News that he’s encountered this violent form of death a number of times. He said he’s been driving trains for ten years now and yesterday’s accident was the 20th he had seen while conducting. He said every casualty he’d seen was the result of someone ignoring the road-blocking barrier and trying to race the train, thinking they could beat it.
He implored motorists and members of the public to follow the barriers and heed the warning train whistles. And don’t try to beat the train.