More Thai national parks to close to allow for recovery during monsoon season

The national parks at Mu Koh Similan and Mu Koh Surin have joined Mu Koh Lanta in Krabi province in closing for the monsoon season. The famous tourist attraction of Maya Bay, on Koh Phi Phi Leh, kicked things off recently, when officials announced that it would once again close to allow the bay’s fragile eco-system to recover. Maya Bay re-opened to tourists in January, after being closed since June 2018.
Mu Ko Similan, Mu Ko Surin, and Mu Ko Lanta marine parks will remain closed for 5 months from today, as happens every year, in a bid to allow nature to recover. According to a Bangkok Post report, an announcement on Facebook confirmed the closure, adding that no visitors will be able to access the parks until October 14.
The policy of Thailand’s National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department is to implement these temporary closures during the “low” season, allowing the flora and fauna the time it needs to recover. Both the Similan and Surin marine parks are located in Phang Nga province and are very popular tourist destinations, as is Mu Koh Lanta in Krabi province.
SOURCE: Bangkok Post