Thailand rattled as TikTok unveils woman shot over motorcycle noise, assailant released on bail

A shocking revelation has caused widespread concern, as a Thai TikTok user shared her mother‘s harrowing experience of being shot by a neighbour, who was allegedly agitated by the noise of her motorcycle. The incident, which resulted in serious injuries to the victim, prompted a barrage of outcry in the online community.
@palployyyy🙂♬ เสียงต้นฉบับ – Praeploy🧚🏻♀️
In a video posted on Monday, a TikTok user called @palployyyy detailed the horrifying experience when her mother was shot three times by a male neighbour, leaving her with severe arm and leg injuries. According to the assailant, the incident started with him being irritated by the sound of the motorcycle.
What’s more alarming is that the perpetrator showed no remorse or apologies for causing harm, and was even heard asking…
“Do you want another shot?”
Shockingly, the assailant was released on bail within 24 hours, adding more distress to the family. The TikTok user expressed her disbelief over the perceived injustice, admitting her limited legal knowledge and fearing that the situation may be swept under the carpet. Worried that her mother’s torment would go uncompensated, she sought to garner public attention and legal advice by making her story public, reported KhaoSod.
The post garnered significant responses from social media users who expressed concern for the safety of the TikTok user and offered advice on seeking legal recourse to ensure the guilty party is held accountable.
Some observers, however, suspect there may be more to the incident than just being disturbed by the motorcycle’s noise. The case remains unresolved and it was suggested both sides of the story need to be considered to establish the overall context of the unfortunate incident.
In a chilling turn of events, the wife of the gunman remarked that she had thought the victim was dead before the paramedics arrived. This chilling indifference to the act of violence has raised pressing questions. The story continues to unfold as public sentiment rallies behind the victim and her family, awaiting justice.